30 Jan 2009


Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue has become the first fire service to adopt the new national identity with their purchase of PPE and stationwear from Bristol Uniforms

Following the signing of the ICP contract between Firebuy and Bristol Uniforms in May, Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue have become the first fire service to adopt the new national identity with the purchase of PPE and station wear.

The initial requirement will involve the supply of the Pbi Gold structural two piece fire suits along with a range of station wear in the new red and grey combination chosen for the national identity for the fire service.

The contract also specifies fleeces and waterproofs from the ICP range which will be adopted by the 750 strong team at Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue. It is now expected that the comprehensive range of operational and non-operational PPE and work and corporate wear will be progressively introduced to other fire and rescue services across the country over the coming months as existing contracts expire.

The contract calls for two sets of PPE for each firefighter, which, along with the station wear, makes up the first order which has been manufactured over last few months and delivered in readiness for its introduction in February 2009.

Commenting on being the first fire service to adopt the new national identity, CFO Mike Thomas said: "Having been involved in the development of the ICP Project I have been impressed with the rigors in procurement and in particular the robust and extensive garment trials and the development of the national identity clothing.

I am pleased we have been able to place an order against this high tech specification and look forward to seeing my operational firefighters protected to the best standards available with clothing that is clearly fit for purpose, suitable for all staff and, above all, presents a positive image of the modern fire and rescue service."