16 Jan 2010

Kent firefighters are working as part of the UK emergency response to the Haiti earthquake
For the second day Kent firefighters are working as part of the UK emergency response to the Haiti earthquake in temperatures of over 90 degrees. Along with other UK teams they are concentrating their efforts on collapsed buildings such as schools, churches and hospitals, and areas where there have been reports of survivors.

Mobile communications are extremely difficult, but in a brief call today (Saturday 16 January) the Kent team leader said: "We are working in very difficult conditions, and in a great deal of heat and humidity. However everyone in the team is well and we have a camp by the airport.

"We were all buoyed up by the news that last night one of the UK teams managed to rescue a two-year-old girl who we hear is now back with her family. The Kent team are going back out had today to follow up on some strong leads. We are determined to do all we can to rescue and support the people of Haiti who have suffered such a terrible disaster."

The team has received praise from the Secretary of State for their efforts in Haiti: Douglas Alexander, Secretary of State for International Development, said: "The people of Kent can be proud of the efforts of the search and rescue professionals from Kent Fire and Rescue Service. "They are helping the people of Haiti at a time of dire need and their skills and experience are vital to the ongoing search for survivors in the rubble in Port-au-Prince. I would like to thank them on behalf of the British Government for their commitment and bravery as part of this international mission."