13 Nov 2019

ISSEE’s latest qualifications have been approved as meeting the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Standard.

The Logistic Management program has been recognized as a pathway grading to Associate Membership with the Institute of Leadership & Management on completion, providing learners with professional recognition related to their leadership learning and an ongoing commitment to continue to develop as effective leaders and to inspire others to achieve excellence. 

Going an extra mile

ISSEE recently started offering students from military, police, and civil agencies the opportunity to study for qualifications in Logistic Management with a range of courses aligned to UK MOD standards, drawing on the lessons identified in over 50 years of operationally focused military logistic experience. 

Whether it’s basic warehouse management or more complex logistic operational design ISSEE draws on former military instructors who passionately believe in achieving desired outcomes consistently going the extra mile to ensure students' understanding.  

Provision of logistics solutions

ISSEE provides a team of supply chain and facilities management experts to provide temporary subject matter expertise

ISSEE is also offering Logistic Consultancy and Delivery. It provides a team of supply chain and facilities management experts that can be seconded to an organization to help seek improvement, drive change or provide tailored temporary subject matter expertise. 

Or for those looking for expeditionary capability, ISSEE can help from the provision of Logistic Planning Teams (LPTs), Logistic Activation Parties (LAPs), or the provision of full-spectrum Logistic Support Solutions to remote, austere locations.  

Its experienced team has delivered globally including Afghanistan, Somalia, Chad, Sierra Leone, Iraq, Nigeria, Liberia, and Lebanon.  

Accredited training services

It’s a hugely positive step to receive recognition from the ILM for our new logistics offer. It inspires confidence to those considering working with ISSEE that they can come here for recognized, accredited training, no matter what the subject matter,” said David Maxwell, Head of Logistics at ISSEE.

The ILM is Europe’s largest independent organization, and UK’s premier management organization focused on leadership and management development. Its goals are to improve the leadership skills and success levels of more than 95,000 managers each year. 

Approval from the Institute means that the program has been recognized as supporting improved leadership practice and the program content, learning materials and approaches have been assessed to be current, relevant and of high quality, supporting and attracting the diverse needs of learners.