19 May 2020

InventHelp, a renowned technology inventor and fire protection systems provider, wanted to fulfill the need for a proposed multi-function smoke/fire/temperate alarm with an automated communication system for residential or commercial buildings. For this purpose, InventHelp has released the latest Smart Smoke Detector (AAT-4370).

Smart Smoke Detector (AAT-4370)

The Smart Smoke Detector (AAT-4370) quickly provides the premises owner and first responders with the critical information they request to ensure the safety of individuals and their property. It promotes peace of mind. It is also easy to use. A patent application is pending.

"I am a retired firefighter and from my experience I know that many people have their homes and property destroyed because it sometimes takes too long for the fire department to locate the fire," said Naseem Khan, Inventor at InventHelp.

The original design was submitted to the Atlanta office of InventHelp. It is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers.