30 Jul 2020

ImageTrend, Inc. announced the release of the second annual Health of Our Emergency Responders: A CrewCare Report. This new report is comprised of anonymous aggregate first responder data collected throughout 2019 from the CrewCare Mobile App.

This app currently provides insight into stress and mental well-being support to over 5,000 first responders and healthcare workers. The goal of this report is to provide insight into life stressors and associated factors related to careers, physical health, support, sleep, mental health, and burnout within the first responder community.

Results from the reports

Of the many insights found within this year’s report, some of the more significant results include key associations linked to stress levels, burnout, and PTSD.

CrewCare report provides background and an understanding of the overall wellness of first responders

The CrewCare report provides background and an understanding of the overall wellness, both physical and mental, of first responders, but it also provides additional insights on the factors that can play a role in burnout, staff turnover, disengagement, and other areas that may negatively impact first responders. To view the full results, request a copy of the report.

Coming soon is a supplemental report looking closely at the data collected in 2020 through COVID-19 specific questions and the addition of healthcare as a focus within CrewCare.

About CrewCare

CrewCare was developed out of the growing need for greater awareness concerning mental health as well as the need for additional resources and research needed in the first responder industry.

While this report focuses on all participants of the CrewCare app, reports can also be created specifically for organizations to look for insights into a collective view of their crews’ aggregate and anonymous information that can allow for further strides in improving mental health.