26 Oct 2021

ImageTrend, Inc. is excited to announce the company has formed an official Medical Advisory Board comprised of medical directors from across the nation, who will assist in providing insight into different service models and specialties in the healthcare industry including Emergency Medical Services (EMS).

Sparking new initiatives

ImageTrend’s six-member Medical Advisory Board was assembled to support the company’s commitment to providing solutions to the healthcare industry that are at the forefront of in-hospital and out-of-hospital patient care and research.  

The Medical Advisory Board will collaborate with the ImageTrend Clinical & Research Services Team

The commitment of the Medical Advisory Board members to contribute expertise, guidance, and their vision to accelerate advancements and spark new initiatives in patient care and safety match that of ImageTrend’s. The Medical Advisory Board will collaborate with the ImageTrend Clinical & Research Services Team to further lead the industry with impactful research backed by medical professionals and their experience.

Medical Advisory Board

We are committed to ensuring that we are the industry leader and value the guidance and expertise from this board,” commented Doug Butler, Jr., Director of Clinical Services. “It is vital that we have representatives from every aspect of EMS, including rural, urban, private and public sectors since every service model has their own needs and challenges.”

Members of the Medical Advisory Board include Meg Marino, MD, FAAP, New Orleans EMS; Emily Nichols, MD, FACEP, New Orleans EMS; Ashish R. Panchal, MD, PhD, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center; Chris Souders, MD, FAEMS, Houston Fire Department; Andrew Stevens, MD, Allina Health EMS; and Michael Wilcox, MD, MN State College & Universities.