1 Jul 2009

Both programs are available on the
National Hazardous Materials Fusion
Center website

To ensure the nation's first responders are prepared to handle incidents involving alternative fuels, the IAFC has created two new training packages:

Ethanol: Response Consideration focuses on responding to ethanol incidents and was created in partnership with the USFA and the Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. This training package has been updated and revised from the original version released last year and now also contains a companion training video.

Biodiesel: Response Considerations focuses on general biodiesel information and details about biodiesel commercial manufacturing facilities. This package was created through a partnership between the IAFC, National Biodiesel Board and the U.S. Department of Energy.

Both programs are available on the National Hazardous Materials Fusion Center website. Companion videos are available on IAFC TV under "Hazmat."