2 Nov 2022

When a fire breaks out, it is important to know how to combat it. People need to act fast in order to protect themselves, others, and the surroundings, and understanding what properties make up a fire is a great way to know how to tackle a blaze, when it breaks out.

The fire triangle does exactly that, helping people understand how fires break out, how they’re sustained and, most importantly, how they can be put out. In this article, Hoyles Fire and Safety will explain what the fire triangle is, how it can help in the event of a fire and what one should do if one is confronted by one.    

The Fire Triangle

The fire triangle provides a visual representation of how fire is caused and sustained

The fire triangle provides a visual representation of how fire is caused and sustained, presented in an easy-to-understand triangular diagram. It focuses on the three core elements that are needed for a fire to thrive, which are heat, oxygen, and fuel. It sounds obvious, but it’s important to recognize that a fire cannot function without heat.

Different materials can ignite at different temperatures, so it’s important to handle combustible materials with care. When a material does combust, it can produce a huge amount of heat, helping a fire to spread. Fire can’t exist without something to burn and fuel is another intrinsic part of the fire triangle.

Fuel can come in many forms, including paper, wood, oil, fabric, and more. It is likely that one’s house or business is full of these materials that can serve as fuel and, as the most difficult element of the triangle to remove, it’s crucial they are stored correctly. The final element of the fire triangle is oxygen. The oxygen in the air can help to sustain a fire, with the gas reacting with the fuel and creating heat and CO2.

Benefits of Fire Triangle

A fire cannot continue without all three of the fire triangle’s elements, so it’s important to understand what they are and how one can remove them, thus eradicating the blaze.

Applying water, a cooling agent or a fire extinguisher (depending on the type of fire) can remove heat from a fire. In order to take oxygen out of the equation, fire blankets can be used to stifle the blaze. In terms of fuel, the best way to avoid this from becoming a hazard is to store objects that could burn appropriately.  

Properly understanding the fire triangle, and all three elements required for a fire to burn, can help one put a swift finish to it in the unfortunate event that one does break out.

Fire Extinguisher

Different types of extinguishers also address different parts of the fire triangle

The cause of the fire will dictate the type of fire extinguisher that should be used to put it out. Different types of extinguishers also address different parts of the fire triangle, so it’s important to know how each one works. Hoyles Fire and Safety Limited supplies a whole host of fire extinguishers that will keep a property safe.

Foam fire extinguishers are used to tackle Class A or B fires that have been sparked by materials such as cardboard and wood, as well as flammable liquids like petrol. The foam from the extinguisher will act like a blanket, smothering the flames and removing its oxygen – meaning it won’t be able to reignite.

Water fire extinguishers

People can be forgiven for thinking that water is the solution for all fires, but in fact water fire extinguishers are only appropriate for Class A fires that have been triggered by natural materials like paper, wood, cardboard, textiles, and furniture.

The water will cool down the fire, removing the heat element of the fire triangle out of the blaze. Remember, never use a water fire extinguisher on an electrical fire.

Electrical fire

If coming up against an electrical fire, then a CO2 fire extinguisher is the way to go. These types of extinguishers can also be used on Class B fires that are triggered by flammable liquids. If the premises handles these kinds of liquids or includes a significant amount of electrics (such as a computer server room), then it’s always worthwhile having CO2 fire extinguishers nearby. 

People should only try and put out a fire if it’s small, manageable and one knows that he/she can handle it by his/her own. If it becomes out of control, then one should always dial 999 and let the fire brigade take charge.