30 Apr 2021

The Bacharach PGM-IR finds leaks fast by providing precision monitoring for low-level leak detection and has helped technicians and engineers find refrigerant leaks easily and accurately, saving both time and money.

As such, the PGM-IR has a growing following throughout the world.

Accurately leak-check large scale hotels

Here, Daniel Melia from Perth, Western Australia talks about how the PGM-IR has helped him quickly and accurately leak-check large scale hotels:

Based on my own experiences with the device within the last four years, here are my thoughts on the Bacharach PGM-IR. I am a Refrigeration Technician in Perth, Western Australia with over 20 years of experience across all aspects of commercial and domestic refrigeration."

When leak checking within a large scale hotel, you need to cover a large amount of distance in the quickest time possible

"When leak checking within a large scale hotel, you need to cover a large amount of distance in the quickest time possible.  As you can imagine in a hotel there are a large number of refrigerated cabinets across a wide distance."

"With the Bacharach PGM-IR, you are able to effectively, efficiently and accurately scan a large area for refrigerant leaks.  In my experience once confirmed with the PGM-IR, I then return to check with soapy bubbles, I can safely say that I have always had a 100 percent confirmation that a component is leaking."

"Some components such as evaporator coils where we haven’t been able to confirm it is leaking in-situ with bubbles, yet still picked up by the PGM-IR, we’ve had to confirm another way. We removed the component such as an evaporator, pressure tested on the bench with dry nitrogen and it has been leaking."