26 May 2021

Road safety barrier experts from Hardstaff Barriers delivered a Vehicle Restraint System (VRS) seminar yesterday to their largest-ever audience.

More than 130 employees from construction and infrastructure services company, Kier, were invited to Hardstaff’s popular online Highway VRS CPD Seminar. Nigel Bullock and Sarah Compton outlined the importance of adhering to the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) ‘CD 377 Requirements for road restraint systems’ document.

Precast barrier system

They also advised on EN 1317 compliance, barrier performance, and barrier selection and gave an introduction to its concrete precast barrier system, REBLOC. The REBLOC products, which are all CD 377 compliant, provide a complete range of Containment and Performance Levels ranging from normal (N2), higher (H1 & H2) to very high (H4a) containment. Attendees included engineers, designers, surveyors, and estimators from Kier’s specialist highways team.

Hardstaff Barriers is a multi-award winning manufacturer and supplier of roadside safety barriers and perimeter security systems. The company’s VRS, hostile vehicle mitigation (HVM) barriers, perimeter fencing, concrete security barriers, and access gates are all designed to keep people and property safe. The demand for Hardstaff’s Highway VRS CPD Seminars has increased considerably over the last year since the workshops have been delivered online via Microsoft Teams.