12 Jan 2021

The Department for Education released its latest guide to support home learning encouraging education providers to identify their strengths and areas for improvement in the provision of remote learning opportunities to candidates during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This is not a statutory framework and is meant to encourage discussion internally within an organization to meet basic requirements using the resources and tools currently available and ways to take remote learning opportunities further.

voluntary framework

The voluntary framework has been designed to be adapted to “fit the context of your provider” and to “signpost them to resources that can help them improve their practice.” 

The framework provides a simple scoring guide to help providers judge their current position and then re-assess once improvements have been identified and implemented. It works through the following areas:

  • Leadership
  • Remote education context and student engagement
  • Curriculum planning and delivery
  • Capacity and capability
  • Communication and partnership working
  • Safeguarding and wellbeing

Dependent on the scores reached as part of the self-assessment exercise, the framework provides links to resources and potential activities that can support improvements.