31 Oct 2023

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) has chosen 143 Panasonic TOUGHBOOK 33 rugged detachable devices for installation in its 93 vehicles, serving as an Airwave Certified & ESN-ready Mobile Data Terminal (MDT), and as a demountable device in the rear of its appliances.

The rugged Panasonic TOUGHBOOK 33 device has been provided by technology distributor Centerprise, partnering with 3tc to deploy the MODAS software suite. The TOUGHBOOK 33 device is a popular choice for fire services across the country. It’s a 2-in-1, 12.0" fully rugged notebook with the tablet detachable, and features hot-swappable twin batteries, for unrivaled flexibility and performance.

Reliable connectivity is key

3tc’s MODAS Professional software ensures effective communication between control and vehicles on the move. Used internationally and by a third of UK Fire and Rescue Services, MODAS Professional leads its field in Incident Command.

3tc’s MODAS Professional software ensures useful contact between control and vehicles on the move

Its features include comprehensive integration with CAD systems and with Airwave, 4G, ESN, Wi-Fi; full integration with fire and rescue service back-office systems; centralized MDT management and enhanced Incident Ground Safety and Management for operational intelligence at the touch of a button. As well as a modern MDT approved for use with the new Emergency Services Network, GMFRS has equipped the TOUGHBOOK 33 with 4G connectivity in the rear of 53 of its vehicles.

Versatility of TOUGHBOOK

GMFRS is also using MODAS Web, which provides access to mission-critical information such as SSRI data sets, live resource location updates (AVL) and other Points of Interest information using a simple and intuitive web solution. Using the TOUGHBOOK device, fire officers can access hydrant location information, building plans, risk cards, operating guidance, and home fire safety checks.

The 3tc software and features of the TOUGHBOOK 33s mounted in the rear of the GMFRS vehicles, such as sensors and cameras, allow the devices to be used for a number of mobile applications. Fire officers can access hydrant location information, building plans, risk cards, and operating guidance. They can also assess chemical risk data prior to arriving at a location and conduct home fire safety checks.

Author's quote

Solution has the flexibility to add more applications as needed but always with the peace of mind" 

Atul Patel, Product Manager at 3tc Software said: “The combination and close integration of the 3tc MODAS software suite with the Panasonic TOUGHBOOK device provides a powerful tool for fire services like Greater Manchester."

"As well as the MDT, it allows officers outside of the vehicle to have access to the information they need at their fingertips to deal with any situation–using technology to become ever more efficient and effective. The solution has the flexibility to add more applications as needed but always with the peace of mind of the highest levels of security and availability.”

Identical install solution for maximum flexibility 

An identical total install solution, including a docking station, power supply, and ESN-ready Sure antennas, was fitted in its 93 vehicles. This enables TOUGHBOOK devices to be swappable across all appliances. In addition, specialist vehicles that are only used occasionally can carry a TOUGHBOOK device in the rear as needed–maximizing the use of mobile devices.

Ian Parry, Operational Systems and Support Officer at GMFRS, said: “We wanted the same capabilities as an office on wheels. The most important criteria were that the devices in the front and rear of the appliances would have the same user interface and access to the same information, but the rear device would be demountable to use outside of the vehicle.”

Emergency service professionals

Will Holmes, Business Manager (Public Sector), Panasonic TOUGHBOOK, comments: "The TOUGHBOOK 33 is an awesome piece of kit, designed from the ground up to support emergency service professionals in the most demanding environments they face, ensuring they have fast, reliable access to vital data to help them respond more effectively, whatever the situation."