4 Apr 2022

The Fire Protection Association (FPA) announces the departure of its long-standing Technical and RISCAuthority Director, Dr. Jim Glockling, who has decided to step down from his position for lifestyle reasons.

Dr. Jim Glockling will remain with the company until the end of June.

positive influence

Commenting on the news, the FPA’s Managing Director, Jonathan O’Neill OBE said, “Having worked with Jim for more than 20 years, I have seen firsthand the positive influence he has had on the technical direction of the FPA since our separation from LPC.

He adds, “He will leave a lasting legacy as the architect of RISCAuthority which conducts research on behalf of the insurance sector, and he was also the driving force behind the decision to invest in our fire testing and research laboratory at Blockley.

future engagement

Jonathan O’Neill OBE continues, “While I will be disappointed to see Jim leave, I understand and support his decision. We are confident that he will continue to be engaged with the FPA and RISCAuthority and we are in the process of discussing his future engagement on a project-by-project basis.”