4 Oct 2019

FireMisting announces that they have just been awarded the SafeContractor accreditation. Having the SafeContractor accreditation shows that they are a compliant, capable and professional installer.

In order to achieve this accreditation, they’ve submitted all of their internal processes to SafeContractor for audit – these include health, safety and environmental policies, construction phase plans, quality, training and competencies, internal auditing and management reviews. This is great news for their customers because they’ve been externally verified by an SSIP (Safety Schemes in Procurement) certified accreditation body.

Health and safety procedures

The future is very exciting at FireMisting, as having the SafeContractor accreditation will help them in tendering for larger contracts, as a pre requisite to work on large commercial sites and follow health and safety procedures.

Although its not mandatory to have SafeContractor they wanted to differentiate FireMisting from their competitors by achieving this accreditation within the industry. This is also a stepping stone to achieving other certifications in the future such as ISO9001, ISO14001 and ISO45001.