5 Oct 2020

Firefighters across Huntingdonshire will be getting out their sponges and buckets as they host charity car washes during October.

The first event will be at St Neots fire station and will run from 12 pm until 3 pm on Saturday 10 October. Followed by Huntingdon fire station on Saturday 18 October from 10 am until 3 pm, and finally at St Ives fire station on Saturday 24 October from 10 am until 3 pm.

  • St Neots Fire Station  - Saturday 10 October, 12 -3 pm
  • Huntingdon Fire Station  - Sunday 18 October, 10 am-3 pm
  • St Ives Fire Station - Saturday 24 October, 10 am-3 pm

The Fire Fighters Charity

The events provide support, rehabilitation, and care for fire service personnel across the country

Vehicles of all shapes and sizes are welcome. At previous events, cars, bicycles, mobility scooters, vans, trucks, and even pushchairs have been known to drive through for the occasion.

The events will be raising money for The Fire Fighters Charity, which provides support, rehabilitation, and care for fire service personnel across the country.


Crew Commander Paul Davies, one of the organizers of the car wash in St Neots, said, “Car washes held across the county are always really well supported by the community and we hope to see local residents pop along during the afternoon to help us raise funds for this worthwhile charity.”

The pandemic has had a huge effect on fundraising for the charity, so every penny raised will make a massive difference.