11 Aug 2010
Negotiations and discussions have been going on the issue of proposed firefighter shift plans

Discussions and negotiation on the proposed changes have been going on for five years but have not yet resulted in a collective agreement.

The London Fire Brigade has begun the process of formal consultation with the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) on its proposed changes to start and finish times of shifts for London firefighters.

Discussion and negotiation on the proposed changes have been going on for five years but have not yet resulted in a collective agreement. London Fire Commissioner Ron Dobson has today written to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the FBU to start the formal consultation arrangements on terminating existing employment contracts and offering re-engagement on new start and finish times.

The Brigade's aim is for the three-month consultation period to focus the continuing discussions on reaching an agreed position within a fixed period of time. If a collective agreement with the FBU is reached during the consultation period, the process will cease and termination of contracts won't be necessary.

Commissioner Ron Dobson said: "I want to use the consultation period, which will last for at least 90 days, to focus the ongoing meetings we are having with the FBU and reach an agreement. Discussions will continue, with a further meeting already planned for the week beginning August 23.

"The discussions so far have been open and businesslike and I am confident that these negotiations can and should produce a settlement that will satisfy all parties and bring an end to this long-standing issue."