30 Sep 2010
A firefighter demonstrates to kids all about 'being safe against fire'

Firefighters lack in proper communications equipment and other safety gadgets which might help them in times of accidents while they are on the job.

The safety of firefighters is being risked by communications equipment supplied to fire stations by contractor EADS, according to the secretary of state for communities and local government Eric Pickles, it has been reported.

Mr Pickles told the House of Commons select committee for communities and local government while giving evidence last week that the equipment is a fire hazard because it overheats.

The contractor was accused of having failed to meet a delivery milestone for the Fire Control project and the communities secretary said he was "very concerned" about the issue.

He told MPS: "I do not think that EADS are treating this at all with the degree of seriousness that I would expect. This government has no intention of rolling over and having our tummy tickled on this. We expect them to deliver their contract." According to Info4fire, a statement obtained from the contractor denied there were any overheating issues with the station equipment used to mobilise fire engines.