20 Jun 2019

Waste shredders face some of the most challenging working environments in industry. Run to provide the lowest possible cost per ton, they usually work long hours with little human interaction. In addition, the materials they process are often very flammable. The result is a very high fire risk that needs to be managed correctly; otherwise, the consequences can be catastrophic and go far beyond damage to the machine.

Whether it is a mobile or stationary shredder, an automatic fire suppression system is a must to protect the machine, site and staff against the high risk of machine fires. However, not all systems available in the market are designed to provide effective and reliable fire protection to these assets. Here are some considerations when choosing fire suppression to protect waste shredders.

What are the challenges?

For a fire to occur, three things are necessary: heat, a fuel source, and oxygen. The environments in which shredders operate are abundant in highly combustible fuel sources - wood chippings, biomass, paper and cardboard, to name a few. These materials can quickly build up in the engine compartment and belly pan of the machine, and, when combine with heat generated by engine components, turbocharges and exhaust manifolds, can quickly ignite. With plenty of fuel to feed it, the fire can rapidly spread.

Waste shredders routinely operate unmanned for prolonged periods of time

Waste shredders routinely operate unmanned for prolonged periods of time, which can worsen the situation and allow a fire to develop significantly before it is discovered. In addition, shredders often work inside sheds or other facilities, which widens the risks to the business as the potential losses of machine fire increase beyond machine damage.

main fire hazard areas

The following areas pose a fire hazard as they are either a source of fuel or heat. However, fire hazards will differ from model to model, working environment and work schedule, so Ardent Fire Systems always recommends a fire hazard analysis on each machine.

Common fuel sources in waste shredders include build-up of debris which accumulate in areas such as the engine compartment and belly pan, as well as flammable fluids, fuels, oils and greases. On the other hand, the engine, exhaust manifold and turbocharger often reach very high temperatures which, when in contact with any fuel source, can cause a fire to start. 

fire suppression system

Re-ignition can happen when the flammable materials come into contact with extremely hot surfaces such as turbochargers or exhaust manifolds after the fire suppression system has discharged. The best way to achieve rapid fire suppression and significantly reduce the risk of fire re-ignition is to install a Twin Agent fire suppression system. Twin Agent systems combine dry and wet chemical extinguishing agents.

The dry chemical agent provides rapid fire knock-down and excellent coverage of the hazard areas, but its cooling capabilities are limited. The wet chemical agent is able to cool down super-heated components such as the turbocharger and exhaust manifold to help protect against fire re-ignition. The quantity of each extinguishing agent must be adequate to cover all identified fire hazard areas through strategically located discharge nozzles.

recommended system features

A sounder beacon can also be helpful to alert the staff in the event of the fire suppression system detecting a fire

As shredders often operate unattended and in remote locations, automatic engine shutdown and battery isolation are also important to help minimize the potential of fire re-flash. When a fuel or hydraulic line or connection fails, it can spray fluid on to a super-heated component such as a turbocharger or exhaust manifold, starting a fire. As long as the engine continues to operate, this fluid will continue to fuel the fire.

Additionally, damaged wiring can be a source of electrical fire. By including an option to cut power to the battery and fuel to the engine, one can significantly reduce the risk of fire re-ignition. A sounder beacon can also be helpful to alert the staff in the event of the fire suppression system detecting a fire. When it comes to fire suppression, waste shredders pose specific challenges that need to be considered in order to provide the right level of fire protection. 

Twin Agent system

Some fire suppression suppliers offer single agent systems to protect shredders; however, Ardent Fire Systems strongly recommend fitting a Twin Agent system as a single agent system might not be sufficient to protect these machines. Quantity of extinguishing agent and number of discharge nozzles are also important aspects of effective fire suppression.