7 Jul 2020

COVID-19 has overwhelmingly been the biggest issue to shape and change the industry, lives, and world in recent history. The FIA has been asked directly by the Government to consult with their members as they are keen to hear how the industry has been affected and how they can work with their industry to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19.

fire industry professionals

The company has put together this survey addressed to fire industry professionals so that the industry can effectively gather the latest and most important information from the people about how COVID-19 is currently affecting their organization. This survey covered multiple topics, all relevant to the rapidly changing business and workforce environment and its answers will undoubtedly help companies begin to plan for the future.

FIA mentions to all of the respondents who completed the survey, that their answers provided the industry with crucial insights into the fire industry and they would like to thank everyone for the participation in the survey. As such, this report aims to look at the variety of impacts from COVID-19 and FIA’s thoughts on what this means for the industry in the short, medium and long term.