10 Jul 2012
FIRERAY beam detectors offer significant advantages when detecting smoke in wide open area spaces

The new FIRERAY 3000 end-to-end infrared beam smoke detector is now available to the market, having been fully CPD certified and approved through VdS, in addition to its existing UL certification. This latest addition to Fire Fighting Enterprises’ immensely popular FIRERAY range is designed to offer a particularly cost effective option for protecting large, open area spaces, and in situations where a reflective beam system would not be best suited.

All FIRERAY beam detectors offer significant advantages when detecting smoke in wide open indoor areas: with each system capable of covering an area up to 1500m2, relatively very few individual units are required compared to point detectors, and installation is much more straightforward than an aspirated system. The simple set up procedure is aided by intelligent design, with a visible laser incorporated for initial targeting and a ground-level control panel making commissioning and continued maintenance as easy as possible.

Typically, a reflective system such as the much-lauded and high-tech auto-aligning FIRERAY 5000 is the default choice, however certain situations will make an end-to-end system more appropriate. For example, reflective objects near the beam path or bright direct sunlight that may hamper a reflective system’s effectiveness. In environments where that is a concern, an end-to-end system such as the new FIRERAY 3000 will easily solve any potential problems. The elegant low-profile design of the new detector and control panel may also suit the surroundings better, fitting in well with modern aesthetics and discreetly hiding in ornate decorations alike.