23 Sep 2020

Kind-hearted fire cadets have been showered with praise after delivering Christmas gifts to care home residents across Barnsley.

200 presents

The young people, who are based out of Cudworth and Dearne fire stations, funded the gifts with £600 they raised through donations and the sale of handmade Christmas cards.

They delivered around 200 presents in total to residents at four different care homes within the Barnsley district, dancing and singing along the way. Then, with their first act of kindness done, they handed the remaining gifts out to members of their local community who were facing a lonely and isolated festive period.


Time to talk to the residents and get them involved in a little sing-song, all in a COVID-secure way

Once they’d delivered the gifts they also took the time to talk to the residents and get them involved in a little sing-song, all in a COVID-secure way.

Some of the people they visited laughed, some even shed tears of joy. Others just smiled, said thank you, and expressed their gratitude. However, they reacted, and all of them were extremely touched by the gesture. That’s according to Watch Manager, Fleur Holland, who has worked with the fire cadets on their project.

£600 funds raised

I’m so proud of them all for what they have done to raise £600 was one thing but to then buy and deliver around 200 gifts was an amazing gesture. Thinking about it still makes me emotional,” said Fleur Holland.

She adds, “The pandemic has limited what we can do but we refuse to be beaten. It’s never been more important to share some Christmas joy and we’re glad, thanks to everyone who supported us, including our Chief Fire Officer, we’ve been able to do that.

South Yorkshire program and skills

Courtney and Phoebe, from Cudworth, and Charlotte, Paige, Nicole, and Lewis, from Dearne, are all part of the South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Fire Cadets scheme.

The program is run at stations across South Yorkshire for people aged between 13 and 18 years old, it’s designed to build confidence and self-esteem, as well as practical skills. Their latest effort, to raise £600 for Christmas gifts, is the second fundraiser they’ve done. In May they raised £700 for The Fire Fighters Charity.