7 May 2012
McLelland will present information on explosion hazards and explosion protection mitigation techniques

Bruce McLelland, Fike’s National Accounts Sales Manager for Explosion Protection, will be presenting at the 2012 PRB Coal Users Group Conference, on May 16th in Baltimore, Maryland.

Mr. McLelland will present information on process explosion hazards and explosion protection mitigation techniques, as well as protection techniques identified in NFPA standards to protect personnel and facilities.

The PRB Coal Users’ Group is the largest coal power conference in the U.S., offering more sessions and speakers and attracting more coal power producers than any other event. The 2012 event will be held in conjunction with the Electric Power conference, which covers the most important strategic and tactical issues within the power industry.

“The PRB Coal Users’ Group was formed to promote the safe, efficient and economic use of PRB coals,” said Bruce McLelland. “My goal is to help the attendees of the conference assess their facilities for full protection against the hazards of combustible dust, make them aware of the danger from a dust explosion occurring in their process equipment, propagating through the facility, and familiarise them with the explosive properties of PRB Coal.”