8 Feb 2018

Intersec 2018 was a fantastic opportunity to meet with many professionals from around the world and to launch FFE’s brand new beam detector the Fireray One.

The Fireray One was welcomed with much enthusiasm and is being sighted as an exciting new addition to the Fire Detection Industry.

Easy alignment of Fireray One

FFE’s Managing Director Oliver Burstall and Technical Director Jacob Andelin were busy talking to the press all about the launch of the Fireray One throughout the show. All journalists managed to align the Fireray One with ease!

Their interactive touchscreen was a great way for people to find more details about FFE’s products and applicationsTheir interactive touchscreen was a great way for people to find more details about FFE’s products and applications. The presentation allowed visitors to choose which product they wanted to know more about and intuitively work their way around the presentation.

Competition to win £10k

FFE had a new addition to their stand, alongside the Fireray One, in the form of the 'Crack the Code' competition. Anyone who visited the stand had to correctly enter a 6-digit code to unlock the vault and then they could win £10k. Unfortunately, the money wasn’t won... but it was a great talking point and brought about a lot of interest to our stand.

There was a chance for all visitors to have a go at auto-aligning the Fireray One, with product demonstrations being held frequently throughout the show. Allowing stand visitors to have a hands-on experience of the Fireray One was one of the main aims of FFE’s stand; they wanted to highlight that anyone and everyone can align this detector.