3 Aug 2020

CU First Responders Finance (CUFR) is excited to welcome FASNY Federal Credit Union to our Referral Credit Union program. FASNY currently offers a full scope of business services to New York State fire departments and associations. With CUFR’s collaboration of first responder credit unions, FASNY will expand its offerings to other first responder businesses.

FinanceResponders.com provides the avenue for first responder credit unions to originate commercial real estate, apparatus, equipment and other business loans throughout New York State. By collaborating, these FASNY referred loans will generate non-interest income and strengthen credit union relationships,” said Murray Halperin, Managing Member of CUFR.

The referring credit union gets business loans on their books and the lead lender earns points and a portion of quality loans. Additionally, there is an opportunity to sell a portion of the loan back to the referring credit union.