19 Apr 2023

The Extinguishing Section of Euralarm has published an updated version of the guidance document on the important aspects relating to the periodic inspection of containers used in fixed gaseous fire extinguishing systems.

The guidance note is intended to identify some critical areas that are often not fully understood and does not prescribe the full processes involved in the testing or the physical handling of the containers.

Euralarm guidance

Euralarm document guides the reader to avoid serious safety issues of hydrostatic testing

There is currently some confusion on when fire extinguishing agent containers are required to be submitted for periodic testing under the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED), the Transportable Pressure Equipment Directive (TPED), and the Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR), as stated in the relevant Standards. This Euralarm guidance gives recommendations on how fire extinguishing system containers should be treated.

The Euralarm document addresses the issues related to the importance of procedures for periodic testing and subsequent refilling of the containers. The document guides the reader to avoid serious safety issues of hydrostatic testing.

guidance note

Aspects that are covered in the guidance note are moisture control, the reuse of container valves and the recertification of containers. A useful checklist is part of the document.

The checklist covers important steps to ensure that the safety of containers is maintained during periodic inspection processes and during the filling afterward.