Erickson Incorporated, a worldwide renowned operator, maintainer, and manufacturer of utility aircrafts, has been awarded a seat on the U.S. Transportation Command’s (TRANSCOM) US$ 5.7 billion contract, to perform airlift services for the United States Armed Forces (USAF).
TRANSCOM contract
The TRANSCOM contract provides Federal Aviation Regulation Part 135 airlift services for fixed and rotary-wing aircrafts, used to transfer Department of Defense and Federal personnel, cargo for domestic and international shipments, supplies, ancillary support services, and equipment.
We are grateful to receive an award on the Worldwide Airlift Support Program (WASP)"
“We are grateful to receive an award on the Worldwide Airlift Support Program (WASP) and look forward to continue serving the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). Using non-standard aviation (NSAV) that leverages commercial air for DoD operations in expeditionary environments is a proven model for efficiently and effectively supporting the warfighter,” said Doug Kitani, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Erickson Incorporated.
Worldwide Airlift Services Program (WASP)
Erickson Incorporated is one of 17 firms selected, awarded under the Worldwide Airlift Services Program (WASP). Work will be performed globally over the next five years, with an expected completion date of November 11, 2024.
“Erickson Incorporated’s long history in providing high-quality logistical movement, casualty evacuation (CASEVAC), and personnel recovery (PR) aerial services to TRANSCOM has proved to be a combat multiplier around the globe for decades and we look forward to continued service for years to come,” said Kevin Cochie, Vice President of Defense and National Security at Erickson Incorporated.