1 Sep 2021

Viking Life-saving has announced its latest developments in safety equipment for offshore wind technicians. They are already using the JB29 cabinets to store essential lifesaving, including descent devices, on the nacelle heli-hoist platform but have now gone a step further by fitting chests inside the nacelles themselves.

IPX5 rated SOS506 chests

Unlike the JB29s which will be exposed to the elements such as 100 mph winds, UV, and heavy rain and so are securely fastened to the heli-hoist platform, the SOS506 chests can simply drop into the spaces inside the nacelle between the outer wall and the rail.

Each chest can store 6 complete sets of safety equipment and the lid is easy to open with one hand even when wearing gloves. The SOS506 has already provided years of reliable service on ships around the world and has an excellent IP rating of X5.

This is another great example of close cooperation between Viking Life-saving, wind turbine design engineers, and Jo Bird who have all worked together to come up with comprehensive safety solutions for offshore wind turbines. These not only provide rapid means of escape but also excellent levels of protection and a very long service life which also helps to keep costs down.

Evacuation solutions

Now, we can offer evacuation solutions that deliver identical ISO-, SOLAS- and Class-approved life-saving equipment to protect wind turbine service technicians from the top to the bottom of the tower,” says Bettina Kjærgaard, Global Product Manager, Offshore Wind, VIKING Life-Saving Equipment. “In emergencies, having immediate access to the right evacuation equipment can be decisive.”