23 Jun 2022

In incidents involving electric vehicles with lithium-ion batteries, responders face safety risks related to:

  • Electric shock.
  • Thermal runaway.
  • Battery ignition and reignition.
  • Stranded energy.

Electric vehicle design is different for various makes and models. For safe and effective vehicle extrication, rescue, and fire suppression, responders need practical and accurate emergency response guidance specific to the unique features of each electric vehicle.


ERGs that comply with ISO 17840 help responders with standardized labels, colors, symbols, and graphics

In a 2020 report, Safety Risks to Emergency Responders from Lithium-Ion Battery Fires in Electric Vehicles, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recommended improvements to electric vehicle emergency response guides (ERGs), including compliance with the International Organization for Standardization's (ISO's) Standard 17840: Road Vehicles — Information for First and Second Responders.

ERGs that comply with ISO 17840 help responders with standardized labels, colors, symbols, and graphics to identify a vehicle's fuel/energy used for propulsion and other vital information, such as guidance for rescue teams on extricating occupants following an accident. Standardization makes this critical information much more complete, accurate, and accessible during training and response.

ERG compliance

To date, 8 vehicle manufacturers have complied with the recommendations for standard display labels and colors to identify a vehicle's fuel and/or energy used for propulsion for quick identification of alternative fuel vehicles on the roads:

  • Honda.
  • Hyundai.
  • Mitsubishi.
  • Porsche.
  • Proterra.
  • Van Hool Bus.
  • Volkswagen.
  • Volvo.

Another 12 manufacturers are making progress toward compliance:

  • BMW.
  • BYD.
  • Stellantis (formerly Fiat Chrysler Automobiles US).
  • Ford.
  • General Motors.
  • Gillig.
  • Kia.
  • Mercedes-Benz.
  • Nissan.
  • Subaru.
  • Tesla.
  • Toyota.