21 Aug 2018

Emergency Reporting (ER), the globally renowned company for easy-to-use cloud-based reporting and records management software solutions for Fire and EMS (Emergency Medical Services) agencies, has announced a partnership with Fire Recovery USA, the global company in Fire and EMS Billing services.

The Emergency Reporting and Fire Recovery USA partnership will help fire department operations to maximize their cost-recovery efforts, for incident-related responses, as well as fire prevention and also in generating EMS Transport revenue.

Integrated solution

We are very proud to announce this partnership and deliver this solution to our customers"

For years, our customers have been asking for an integrated solution between Fire Recovery USA and Emergency Reporting. Based on the extraordinary growth of both companies, this partnership is a natural fit and something our customers have been waiting for. We are very proud to announce this partnership and deliver this solution to our customers,” said Justin Powell, the Vice President (VP) of Sales at Fire Recovery USA.

The partnership will allow incident and EMS information entered into Emergency Reporting, to be seamlessly and automatically loaded into Fire Recovery USA’s billing system, for a single point of data entry for end users.

Emergency Reporting – Fire Recovery USA partnership

We are thrilled to be able to team up with the leading Fire and EMS Billing provider to help fire departments streamline their billing processes and eliminate double data entry,” said Stewart Smith, the Product Manager at Emergency Reporting.

Stewart Smith adds, “We are continually looking to add more value for customers by expanding our network of industry-renowned partners and Fire Recovery USA is an excellent addition.