12 Sep 2024

While users may have the best plan in place, everyone in their premises should have a good understanding of what to do in the event of a fire. There are several tips that users can learn from to take as a precaution in case of a fire.

Amber Fire Protection can provide training to keep users and their staff and customers safe, ensuring they are taking the right precautions and have effective fire safety procedures in place.

Fire safety procedures

Fit a Smoke Alarm - Fitting a smoke alarm can save lives in any building, detecting the fire early and giving users the warning they need. Fire alarm should be installed by professionals and tested and checked regularly to ensure it works.

Additionally, fire alarms should be installed across every room in the property. Having fire alarms throughout the building will ensure a fire can be detected as early as possible from any room and that everyone in the building is alerted.

Fire occurring risks

When users find a fire, they should immediately call the fire brigade

Cigarettes & Candles - If users are smoking inside or have candles lit, make sure they are put out properly and there is never a risk of a fire occurring. Cigarettes and candles can be an easy way to start a fire if they are careless and removing this from the property altogether is usually a good ideal. However, if users would like to smoke in the building or light candles, make sure they always have safety in mind.

Quick Response - When users find a fire, they should immediately call the fire brigade. A quick response can help save lives and stop the fire from spreading. Users should never assume that someone else has found the fire first so with a quick response time, they can help save lives.

Quick response time

Training - Unless they are trained, users shouldn’t try to advise other people in the building on what to do. They could potentially give the wrong advice and confuse people if they are still trapped. Amber Fire Protection can provide training, making sure everyone within the premises has a good understanding of what to do during a fire and can act as a fire warden when a fire occurs.

Check Fire Extinguishers - Fire Extinguishers are an effective tool in the event of a fire, and can quickly quench the flames before they spread. It is important to regularly check the fire extinguishers to make sure they are in working condition, and that they can always be used in the event of a fire. Amber Fire Protection can service and maintain the Fire Extinguishers on a once off or contract basis.

Fire safety procedures

To reduce the chance of a fire, having a well-maintained property can help

Create Safety Procedures - The best way to prepare the premises and everyone inside for a fire is to have an effective fire safety procedure. Their team can help users create a fire safety procedure to help ensure the staff and customers can escape safely in the event of a fire.

Cleaning & Housekeeping - To reduce the chance of a fire, having a well-maintained property can help. Fires can occur in many ways, but keeping the property tidy and removing any hazardous materials, chemicals and equipment could prevent a fire in the future.

Fire Drills - Completing regular fire drills using the fire safety procedures will give everyone a better understanding of what to do in an emergency. Fire drills should be completed at least twice a year, as no matter how safe users think the property is, a fire could always occur. Additionally, it is important to train new members of staff who may not know the fire safety procedures. Conducting regular fire drills will make sure everyone is up to date.