3 Aug 2010
The conference is organized to
celebrate the 10th anniversary with all
users of XVR and ISEE

E-Semble's International User Conference meeting to be held on 30th September, 2010.

This year's E-Semble user meeting is dedicated to their 10th anniversary. To celebrate this milestone with all users of XVR and ISEE, E-Semble organizes a two-day international user meeting with a comprehensive program, including a festive dinner.

The meeting will take place in Delft on September 30. The program looks forward to the developments of their products and services and, as usual, focuses on the exchange of 'best practices' and 'lessons learned.'

E-Semble showcases the latest developments of XVR and ISEE and various partners demonstrate the developments in the field of 3D projection, including the use of stereo images and 'augmented reality.' The Centre for Serious Gaming from the TU Delft challenges you to participate in a 'complexity game' at the meeting, focused on leadership and communication.