17 Mar 2010

E-ONE Vacuum Tanker helped Byram Volunteer Fire and Rescue department during record-low temperatures
The new Water Master vacuum tanker fom E-ONE provided water for HVAC systems during extreme cold.

When the Byram Volunteer Fire and Rescue department in Byram, Miss., purchased their new Water Master vacuum tanker they knew it would protect property and save lives, but never imagined it would help keep a city warm during a record-breaking cold-snap.

On January 12th, cities and towns throughout the country experienced record-low temperatures and Jackson, Miss., was no exception. When the ground froze causing more than 150 pipes throughout the city to burst, much of the town was left without water and heat.

The city of Jackson called Assistant Chief Tim Everett of the Byram VFR asking if the department had a tanker and would be willing to assist the city in providing water for HVAC systems so they could get the heat up and running in various businesses and schools throughout Jackson.

"The day before this incident I completed all the necessary insurance paperwork on our new Water Master and officially put the unit into service, so we were more than happy to help the city of Jackson," said Assistant Chief Everett.  "We were very pleased with the tanker's performance in this unique emergency situation. The vacuum tanker allowed us to load and offload water much faster than a standard tanker which helped us get water to those in need quicker."