2 Jun 2008

On the first day of the NFPA World Safety Conference & Exposition Steve Korzeniowski, Technology Manager with DuPont Chemical Solutions Enterprise, and Tom Cortina, Executive Director of the Fire Fighting Foam Coalition, presented an update on environmental and regulatory issues related to fire fighting foams.

The presentations focused on the EPA global stewardship program, as well as new regulations in Europe and Canada that require non-telomer foam stocks to be removed from service.

The NFPA World Safety Conference & Exposition took place June 2-5, 2008 at the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Convention Centre with 330 exhibitors and over 4500 visitors. To download the text of their presentations, please use the links below:


Fluorotelomer Products in the Environment - An Update
Dr. Stephen Korzeniowski, DuPont Chemical Solutions Enterprise

Environmental and Regulatory Update on Fire Fighting Foams
Tom Cortina, Fire Fighting Foam Coalition