18 Mar 2010


'All the employees of Dräger worldwide send their hopes and prayers to the people of Haiti'

Dräger, a global leader in mechanical ventilation, is providing 16 Carina-home ventilators and two anesthesia machines to aid earthquake victims.

This donation comes at the request of the University of Miami, where an international effort to create a 300-bed field hospital at the Port-au-Prince airport is taking place. Dräger's response was immediate, noting that the equipment was onsite at the logistics staging center in Miami within 36 hours. Additionally three field staff employees have volunteered their time and clinical expertise to assist with the effort to operate the field hospital.

Mr. Arno Wolters, President of Dräger Medical, Inc. commented: "We have all seen the horrible events unfolding in Haiti. As a global company, Dräger is committed to the preservation of life and supporting this effort is paramount to our company's core principles. All of the employees of Dräger worldwide send their hopes and prayers to the people of Haiti. We are especially proud of our field clinicians, Robert Dutruch, Frank Caminita, and Dean Calderone who are in Port-au-Prince working side-by-side with the University of Miami."