30 Sep 2019

Door & Hardware Federation (DHF) is demonstrating its continuing support for Fire Door Safety Week by holding a series of free fire door safety seminars.

The national awareness safety campaign, which took place between 23-29 September 2019, was launched in 2013 in response to a legacy of fire door neglect and aims to increase the public’s understanding of the role that fire doors play in protecting life and property.

Fundamental Issues Of Fire Safety

DHF has been a vocal advocate for third-party certification of inspection of fire, smoke and security doors

It is led by high-profile organizations such as the British Woodworking Federation (BWF), the BWF Fire Door Alliance (an evolution of the BWF CERTIFIRE Scheme) and the Fire Door Inspection Scheme (FDIS). DHF’s fire door seminars will take place on the mornings of 14th January, 11th February and 17th March next year, and will be presented by the Chair of DHF’s Timber Doorset Group, Fiona Critchley.

DHF has been a particularly vocal advocate for third-party certification of manufacture, installation, maintenance and inspection of fire, smoke and security doors, and earlier this year, joined forces with Secured by Design (SBD) and the Fire Industry Association (FIA) to publish a guidance document on flat entrance doorsets: A Guide for Selecting Flat Entrance Doorsets; A publication for housing associations, landlords, building owners and local authorities in England, which highlights the fundamental issues of fire safety for those selecting fire doorsets.

Training Courses On Fire Door Safety

The federation has, since 2014, also partnered with BRE Academy to offer fire door training courses, together, developing three all-inclusive one-day training courses on fire door safety to offer greater clarity on the regulations and standards applying to fire doors.

Those attending the fire door seminars will receive a free copy of the guidance document

Those attending the fire door seminars will receive a free copy of the guidance document. “We are delighted to continue to support Fire Door Safety Week and hope that our free seminars, which are open to all, will promote awareness and safety, in addition to educating delegates on the pivotal role that fire doors play in protecting lives and property,” says DHF’s Commercial Manager, Patricia Sowsbery-Stevens.

We continue to stress that the use of fire doors, correctly installed and with robust fire door maintenance procedures, are a key part of fire safety and urge those in positions of responsibility to seek the correct training with regards to installation and maintenance.”