26 May 2022

Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen’s Association (CVVFA) President, Chief Joe Kroboth has released a message stating - Fellow members, for several years the association and individual members benefited from a relationship with the PA Fireman Magazine. The magazine has covered CVVFA’s events, published their articles, and informed readers about the association’s activities.

With the steady long-term growth of the Emergency Responder Safety Institute, there is a need to provide printed material designed to educate drivers about the dangers that distracted driving poses to responders working on the roadways helping others. Their friends at the PA Fireman established a partnership, in order to help produce and deliver that material all across the nation.

Produce and ship educational items

Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen’s Association (CVVFA) also stepped up the article submissions

Working together, they reached a financial agreement that allowed purchasing discount subscriptions for members and to produce and ship the educational items to public safety agencies and other organizations.

Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen’s Association (CVVFA) also stepped up the article submissions, so all the readers could receive the latest news about reducing struck-by incidents on the roadways. They viewed these print articles as means to deliver this important safety message to readers, who prefer to read a print publication rather than online.

PA Fireman

In late 2021, the PA Fireman changed its focus to become more of a Lancaster County PA publication and moved away from statewide and national coverage. Additionally, printing was outsourced, so that they no longer had access to purchasing printing and distribution of their educational material.

They received their invoice for subscriptions for members in 2022 and noted the cost per subscription had increased to US$ 7, US$ 2 higher than their annual dues.

Eliminated events and training calendars

In another change, the PA Fireman eliminated the events and training calendars that their members read

In another change, the PA Fireman eliminated the events and training calendars that their members read frequently. Sadly, they also learned that there would be no longer coverage of meetings and other events by a reporter.

The officers brought these changes before the membership at the May meeting. After discussion and a unanimous vote, it was decided not to pay for subscriptions for their membership any longer.

CVVFA to continue to contribute articles

The Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen’s Association does feel that they should continue to contribute articles to the magazine. They hold no animosity and understand that organizations change in their business plan from time to time. Unfortunately, the changes at the PA Fireman do not align with the plans CVVFA have for the marketing of the association and their products.

For interested parties who wish to subscribe to the PA Fireman at their own cost, can contact the magazine directly. In closing, they wish the PA Fireman well and thank them for the partnership they enjoyed with them, over the years.