24 Sep 2010
Dr. Daniel Horowitz has been appointed as the new MD of U.S Chemical and Safety Board

Dr. Moure-Eraso appointed Dr. Daniel Horowitz, longtime director of Congressional, public and board affairs, to fill the newly created position.

CSB Chairperson and CEO Rafael Moure-Eraso today announced a major realignment of the agency’s internal organization, including creation of a new position of managing director who will report to the chair and will oversee all aspects of CSB operations, including investigations, studies, recommendations, incident selection, Congressional and public affairs, financial operations, human resources, information technology, and administration.

Dr. Moure-Eraso appointed Dr. Daniel Horowitz, longtime director of Congressional, public and board affairs, to fill the newly created position. The appointment was unanimously approved by the five-member presidentially appointed CSB Board in a vote this week.

Dr. Moure-Eraso said, “I believe this new organization will result in moving our agency to an even higher level of performance and commitment to our mission.”

The chairman said, “Dr. Horowitz has worked tirelessly since he joined the CSB in 2000 to help position the agency as an internationally known force for chemical process safety. He has been instrumental in the CSB’s earning the respect of chemical industry managers, labor organizations, community groups, members of Congress, local officials and the public.  His development and expansion of the CSB safety video program has broadened the effectiveness of CSB reports and recommendations beyond all expectations. The videos have garnered awards and brought renewed authority and respect for the CSB’s work.  Under his direction, CSB media and public affairs work has proved highly effective not only in this country, but abroad as well.  His imagination, intellect, experience and leadership all these years make him the ideal and natural appointment to this new important position.”

The realignment is consistent with recommendations from the U.S. Government Accountability Office and the CSB Office of Inspector General for improving the efficiency of CSB operations. Existing CSB staff will temporarily fill the day-to-day public affairs and incident selection roles held by Dr. Horowitz.

Dr. Horowitz will help in improving the system and working of United States Chemical and Safety Board

In announcing the organizational changes to the CSB staff, Dr. Moure-Eraso said, “My vision is to expand the size and capacity of the CSB so that we are capable of investigating a broader variety of accidents and hazards while focusing on our mission of detecting the root causes of catastrophic incidents in order to prevent recurrences. We are in for a busy and important era as we investigate the BP Deepwater Horizon catastrophe and many other significant accidents. I want us all to keep in mind the important mission of the CSB to work to save the lives of workers and the public through the prevention of chemical accidents.”

Dr. Horowitz said, “I am deeply honored by this appointment, and I look forward to helping implement the Board’s vision for a high-performing safety agency that continues to serve the important needs of our stakeholders and the public.”

Horowitz, who joined the CSB staff in May 2000, holds a doctorate in organic chemistry from the Cambridge University, a master’s degree in biophysical chemistry from Stanford, and a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Harvard. Prior to joining the CSB, he held positions in the private sector and served as an American Chemical Society Congressional Science Fellow in 1994-95. His scientific research led to a number of published articles and United States patents.