24 Nov 2009

FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate addressed students and faculty at Savannah State University

The event was sponsored by the Homeland Security and Emergency Management Student Organization (HSEMSO).

FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate addressed students and faculty at Savannah State University, in Savannah, Georgia.

The FEMA Administrator praised students for choosing to study emergency management and recognized the administration of Savannah State, a Historically Black College and University (HBCU), for joining the growing number of schools offering a Bachelor's degree in Emergency Management, as the US continues to foster and recruit the next generation of emergency managers. Savannah State is one of the first HBCUs in the nation to offer a bachelors degree in emergency management.

"Emergency management is a team effort, and a key to our success in responding to future disasters is continuing to build and expand that team," said FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate. "It is extremely encouraging to see so many young people showing a dedication to public service and a desire to study emergency management, and I thank Savannah State for their leadership and commitment to teaching the next generation of emergency managers."

Fugate stressed the important role the public plays in emergency response

Fugate also stressed the important role the public plays in emergency response and the need to encourage personal preparedness throughout the US.

"Throughout the field of emergency management, we need to stop viewing the public as a liability, and start viewing them as a resource," said Fugate.

"The more the public is prepared, the more the public is engaged, the stronger our entire emergency management team will be."

Savannah State is one of 25 colleges in the US to offer a Bachelor's degree in emergency management and one of three HBCUs to offer a degree in the field.