14 Dec 2020

Even with slightly relaxed COVID-19 restrictions, Christmas in 2020 will be very different from the ones everyone is used to celebrating. Not everyone will be able to gather together under the same roof to spend the festive period together. Some will be in isolation or stuck abroad, away from family and friends.

Together or apart, fires can still happen at Christmas time; in fact, it’s statistically the worst time of year for fires - which sadly can be some of the most destructive. In 2020 more than ever, it’s important to make sure the ones one loves are safe - especially when everyone can’t all be together at once.

Smoke Alarms

Batteries run out and smoke alarms can age over the years; so make sure the user tests them. It’s equally important to check up on other people’s smoke alarms - maybe a vulnerable neighbor or a family member in isolation - and make sure that they’re protected. There should be a smoke alarm on each floor, mounted on the ceiling. Stock up on batteries for Christmas Day, so one does not feel tempted to take them out of the smoke alarms. If one test an alarm and it doesn’t work, replace it immediately.

In parts of the UK, insurers and fire departments reported a higher number of house fires during lockdown in March

When it comes to fire safety at Christmas, smoke alarms are the first line of defense. They buy valuable seconds in the event of a fire and have saved countless lives around the world - don’t forget how important they are. In parts of the UK, insurers and fire departments reported a higher number of house fires during lockdown in March. Further warnings came as the UK’s tier system was introduced, and insurers warned of the dangers of home bonfires.

Ensure fire safety

More time spent at home, along with all the festive drinking, decorations and lighting, can add up to more chances for a fire to break out. House fire incidents tend to increase in December - but lockdown could make it even worse. With more people staying together (even if reduced during lockdown), the stakes are higher. Everyone wants to have a great Christmas, especially after the events of this year; but people should not let fire get in the way.

Everyone must stay safe, look after themselves and others - and cover the basics.

Basics of fire safety:

  • Once again, one must check the smoke alarms.
  • Festive candles are a beautiful addition to decorations, but never leave them burning unattended. Make absolutely sure they’re out before one goes to sleep.
  • Cooking at Christmas can get stressful and distracting. Take it slow, avoid cooking while drinking and don’t leave the cooking unattended.

Stay fire safe

At Coopers Fire, they are always developing, testing and improving their products - to keep their clients at the cutting edge of fire safety. To find out more about, or to enrol in one of their educational training courses one can call them or contact them through email.