1 Jun 2019

When the warmer weather arrives, the first thing most of us get excited about is a BBQ. The longer days, lighter evenings, and summer holidays mean it’s the perfect time to get the BBQ sizzling.

If one wants to prevent the event of a fire, it is important to take extra care when cooking with a BBQ

One can have a BBQ almost anywhere these days now, maybe at home with the family or maybe a disposable BBQ on the beach with friends. No matter where it is enjoyed the most, behind the sausages and burgers, there are plenty of fire safety aspects to consider.

If one wants to prevent the event of a fire, it is important to take extra care when cooking with a BBQ, especially when lighting it. Before stocking up on burgers and sausages, one needs to be aware of the BBQ fire safety tips. Following is the Top BBQ Fire Safety Guide by Cooke & Bern:

Is the BBQ in Good working order?

Never use a faulty BBQ, make sure to check it is in good working order before firing it up. If it is a gas BBQ, one needs to make sure it is correctly serviced and all joins are tightened, safe and secure.

If one smells gas near the BBQ or the flame won’t light, this is the sign of a propane leak. Regardless of the type of BBQ, it must be cleaned and in great condition to ensure your BBQ goes smoothly and remains enjoyable.

Where to set up the BBQ?

To make sure the BBQ is stable, it needs to be on a flat surface away from any fences, trees, sheds, or shrubs

Even though BBQs are designed for outdoor use, one cannot place them just anywhere. When finding the best suitable area for the BBQ, one needs to pay attention to overhanging tree branches and bushes.

To make sure the BBQ is stable, it needs to be on a flat surface away from any fences, trees, sheds, or shrubs, this prevents exposed flames from damaging the grass as well as ensures the safest environment.

Lighting the BBQ

As a safety precaution, experts advise using enough charcoal to cover the base of the BBQ with a depth of no more than 2 inches. When it comes to lighting a charcoal BBQ, one must never use petrol or paraffin to light it, instead use firelighters and a very small amount of starter fuel.

Disposable BBQs

Disposable BBQs are the perfect idea for a family day out in the sunshine! It is important to take extra care when deciding where to set it up. Find an area that is well ventilated and on the ground level where it can’t tip over.

Don’t place the disposable BBQ directly onto grass or benches where it can easily catch fire. Make sure it has properly cooled down before putting it in the bin. It can take up to several hours to cool, but it’s safer to pour water over it to ensure it's not smoldering. If one is camping, never leave the BBQ inside or near the tent. The carbon monoxide that they produce can kill.   

How to Properly Extinguish the BBQ?

Once one has finished using the BBQ, one should put out the fire. It is useful to have a bucket of water or sand on hand at all times to prepare for an emergency.

The safest and most effective way to fire extinguisher is a dry powder extinguisher. This can be used on gas, oils, and flammable liquids and can smother the fire and stopping it from spreading.