7 Mar 2016
Both companies expressed a mutual desire to generate profitable and lasting business relationships

To celebrate working partnership, Bristol joined Concorde members to host presentation for its senior staff

Bristol’s strategy of building a worldwide network of appointed distributors began in 1975 when Concorde Trading Company in Abu Dhabi was appointed to be the company’s first representative. To celebrate this historic 40th anniversary of a successful working partnership, Bristol joined senior members of Concorde to host a presentation for its senior staff. The close association of the Bristol brand with Concorde’s expertise has been a major driver of their business success and growth over four decades.

First contact was made between Bristol and Mr Mahmood Awad and shortly afterwards the first order was taken in late 1975 which was for Abu Dhabi Civil Defence. This became the first of many for firefighter garments to meet the needs of the Abu Dhabi Civil Defence, who supply all the commercial and domestic fire and rescue services for the emirate, as well as the many industrial customers across the oil production and exporting sector, shipping and military requirements.

Joint promotional activity

Bristol and Concorde have developed a strong commercial bond over the years and now work together in all the emirates in the United Arab Emirates, which has been underpinned by visits from Bristol sales and technical personnel, regular product and technical training as well as joint promotional activity including trade exhibitions, advertising and public relations.

Following the recent celebrations, Concorde’s managing director, Mahmood Awad said, “We are delighted to be celebrating such a long and fruitful relationship with Bristol and one which demonstrates the sustainability of a relationship built on mutual trust and shared rewards. We appreciate the support your company is giving to our company and hope we can continue to support each other to the benefit of both our companies”.

Profitable and lasting business relationships

Commenting on the first 40 years, Roger Startin, Bristol’s joint managing director, said, “This is a remarkable achievement and clearly reflects the rewards we, and our distributors, can expect to reap when both parties are fully committed, respectful of each other’s brands and reputations and have a similar vision for the future. From the outset, both companies expressed a mutual desire to generate profitable and lasting business relationships with major users and to work closely together to make this a reality”.

“Although I wasn’t part of the Bristol team until 1981, I am still able to look back with satisfaction at the success we have built and enjoyed together over the years. I am confident that our commercially successful past will be a sound basis for developing new business and growth in the future as our new products continue to create much interest across the territory”.

“I personally, and on behalf of the Bristol team, wish Mahmood Awad, Fakhri Issa, Mohanned Awad and Firas Awad and their colleagues every success for the future”.