2 Oct 2013
Chubb extended its approval with NSI to incorporate certification of its Fire Detection and Alarms business under BAFE’s SP203 Scheme
Chubb Fire & Security is a provider of security, fire safety solutions, monitoring and response services

Chubb Fire & Security has moved its certification for its fire extinguisher maintenance operations to the National Security Inspectorate (NSI) that also audits the installation of its electronic security systems under its NACOSS Gold Scheme.

Chubb Fire & Security is a leading provider of security, fire safety solutions, and monitoring and response services for business and industries across the UK and is part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX).

Chubb has a long working relationship with NSI dating back to 1970s when Chubb was first approved by the NSCIA (as NSI was known then), using the Inspectorate to audit the installation of Chubb’s electronic security systems to the relevant standards.

In 2009 Chubb extended its approval with NSI to incorporate certification of its Fire Detection and Alarms business under BAFE’s SP203 Scheme. NSI is a third party certification body licensed by BAFE to deliver a number of its fire safety-related schemes and as such, enabled Chubb to become BAFE registered for fire detection and alarm systems at the same time.

All of Chubb’s branches responsible for carrying out contract maintenance of portable fire extinguishers (28 in total) will now be audited by NSI against BAFE’s SP101 Scheme that is only available for companies with an ISO 9001 quality management system, therefore only attainable at NSI Fire Gold level.

Jeff Little, OBE, NSI Chief Executive says he is delighted that Chubb is bringing all of its installation and maintenance related certification requirements under one single regime: “This demonstrates NSI’s capability as the sector-specific certification body for the security and fire sectors and we look forward to adding continued value to Chubb and the services they provide over the coming years.”

Stephen Luff, Quality & Technical Auditor, Chubb Fire & Security says the move to one certification body for installation and maintenance activities makes sense on a number of levels: “This consolidation of suppliers will bring us operational efficiencies but most importantly, it demonstrates our continued commitment to 3rd party certification which is critical for our customers when selecting a provider of fire and security services.”