19 Apr 2021

Checkmate Fire Solutions know that a Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) is a process involving the systematic evaluation of a building or premises, and the factors that determine: the hazard from fire, the likelihood that there will be a fire, and the consequences if one were to occur.

4 types of FRA

Type 1 

This is the most basic of fire risk assessments that buildings will need to satisfy the Fire Safety Order. However, unless the user is anticipating moderate/severe deficiencies in the structural fire protection, a type 1 is normally satisfactory.

Although this is a non-destructive assessment, it will at least include a sample of doors that protect common areas for example flat entrance doors within social housing buildings.

Type 2

Type 2 would always be recommended to include the presence of an accredited contractor

Relating to the ‘protection of common parts’, this FRA is similar to Type 1, but with a little more destructive activity.

Carried out generally when there’s reason to suspect issues that could lead to non-containment of fire, this inspection would always be recommended to include the presence of an accredited contractor who can efficiently open and clean up construction.

Type 3 

A Type 3 FRA is non-destructive and similar to a Type 1. However, it goes above the minimum requirements set out in the Fire Safety Order, by assessing fire defenses, such as detection and escape routes within a sample of the building.

Type 4 

With a similar scope of work to a Type 3 FRA, a Type 4 has an element of destructive inspection, carried out on a sampling basis.

This is the most comprehensive FRA users can have in their buildings and is generally recommended if users suspect serious risk to occupants.

Type 4 - What Are the Alternatives?

If the user thinks they need a Type 4 FRA, the chances are the building is going to require a significant amount of work

There are many incredible providers of FRA’s in the UK, each with a vast array of knowledge that will help users make buildings safer. However, if users think they need a Type 4 FRA, the chances are the building is going to require a significant amount of work to get it back to the required levels of compliance. And the user is going to want to get on that pretty darn quickly.

An FRA is a fantastic way of pinpointing concerns, quickly applying a risk rating and a timescale in which concern should be remedied, and letting users know the next steps. But, if users already know they have severe problems, they can skip step one, and go straight to step 2.

Destructive compartmentation survey 

This is where a destructive compartmentation survey comes in useful. When undertaken by a third-party accredited, reputable contractor, a destructive compartmentation survey ensures users get all elements of the “non-intrusive” survey, together with a pre-defined scope of intrusive works that are defined as a greater requirement than the enhanced survey option.

It will get to the root of all the passive fire safety issues, providing a clear course of action on how to remediate the concerns.

Choosing competent inspector

If the user is going for an FRA or inspection, please remember to always choose a competent inspector

If the user is going for an FRA or a compartmentation inspection, please remember to always choose a competent inspector and/or a third-party accredited contractor to undertake the works.

Otherwise, users leave themselves open for all manner of issues most of which will generally require a ‘do-over’, leading to loss of time, compliance, and money!

Total compliance with PAS79 guidance

The journey to total compliance should begin by outsourcing FRA to an independent and qualified individual/company, before investing in a 3rd party accredited contractor to undertake the additional works documented in the FRA.

Fire risk assessors should always be professionally trained and qualified, in line with the revised PAS79 guidance:

  • PAS79-1:2020 Fire risk assessment. Premises other than housing. Code of practice and
  • PAS 79-2:2020 Fire risk assessment. Code of practice, for housinghowever, has recently been withdrawn due to guidance stating that it is “not normally practicable” for fire risk assessments to identify people with disabilities, or for landlords to make provision for their evacuation in a fire.

So, as it stands there is currently no information with regards to which code of practice should be used by fire risk assessors for housing until PAS 79-2: 2020 has been updated and reintroduced.

Temporarily suspension of PAS 79-2: 2020

The suspension of the voluntary code of practice is pending a further review by the steering group"

A spokesperson for the BSI said, “BSI, in its role as the UK National Standards Body, is temporarily suspending PAS 79-2: 2020 Fire risk assessment, Housing, Code of practice and has removed it from the sale.”

The suspension of the voluntary code of practice is pending a further review by the steering group, which is made up of experts in fire safety, fire risk assessment, and the housing sector.”

Guidance and recommendations are necessary

As new information emerges from the Grenfell Tower Inquiry and the government’s response to it, BSI wishes the Steering Group to consider these and have the opportunity to take them into account before reaching consensus on the guidance and recommendations in the code.”

BSI would like the Steering Group to re-visit points raised during the public consultation relevant to persons with a disability and intends to further consult with experts in this field.”