16 Mar 2020

Congressional Fire Services Institute’s Board of Directors regrets to announce that the 32nd Annual National Fire and Emergency Services Symposium and Dinner have been postponed until further notice.

CFSI is taking this action based on the recommendations from local, state, and federal health agencies and task forces

The health and safety of the guests outweighed every other consideration in the decision to postpone the event. Even though the program takes place in six weeks, CFSI is taking this action based on the recommendations from local, state, and federal health agencies and task forces to suspend travel and large-scale gatherings until the coronavirus has been contained.

The CFSI Board has formed a Task Force with staff and members of the National Advisory Committee to focus on moving forward. It is exploring options to reschedule the program, engage the fire and emergency services with Congress, and/or utilize new and innovative ways to ensure the long-term success of CFSI and the efforts here on Capitol Hill. The updated information will be available on the website.