23 Jan 2020

A free one-day seminar on the importance of sprinklers and suppression systems and their life-saving benefits is being held next month in St. Ives.

The seminar, 'Providing a fire resilient environment for all', organized by The British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association (BAFSA) in collaboration with, and hosted by, Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service aims to inform industries on how to protect their buildings and occupants with sprinklers and suppression systems.

Life-Saving Benefits Of Sprinkler Systems

Group Commander Dave Lynch, Head of Fire Protection for Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service commented: “Following a number of high profile fires in residential accommodation blocks and industrial units, this is an extremely timely seminar that aims to raise awareness of the life-saving benefits of sprinkler systems and to dispel the myths and misconceptions that sprinklers often attract.”

We’re always learning from incidents we attend, and other Services attend across the country, just what a difference these systems can make, and hope to share this with delegates on the day. Over the last few years, many new build projects across the county have taken on board the benefits of sprinkler systems in design and architecture plans or fitted them retrospectively. The seminar is a great opportunity for businesses to find out how they can protect theirs and help us reduce risk within our communities.”

The seminar is free to attend and will take place at The Burgess Hall, St. Ives on Tuesday 25 February 2020 from 9 am until 3.30 pm. Refreshments and lunch will be provided.