31 Aug 2018

Flooding, severe weather, prolonged power cut, heatwave, large smoke plume, chemical leak…how would the users cope in an emergency situation?

Cambridgeshire’s emergency services and other Local Resilience Forum (LRF) partners such as local authorities, Cambridgeshire County Council, health organizations, and the Environment Agency, are joining forces for the whole of September to share top tips and advice to help get local residents prepared for a number of different emergency situations.

Social media channels

The LRF is supporting the national #30Days30Ways campaign which aims to promote resilience and preparedness to the public and businesses. Between September 1-30th, agencies will post daily messages on their social media channels relating to the ‘be prepared’ theme.

The LRF is supporting the national #30Days30Ways campaign which aims to promote resilience

Posts will cover advice for flooding, severe weather, highways issues, evacuating in an emergency, loss of power, useful links, handy phone numbers, and much more. Chair of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Local Resilience Forum, Chief Fire Officer Chris Strickland said: “We all hope that we are never in an emergency situation but incidents can happen anywhere, anytime, and to anyone. Being prepared and knowing what to do in an emergency can limit the impact of the emergency on you, your family, and the community and help the recovery process.”

Helping the response operation

“As responders to emergency incidents we plan, prepare, and exercise for a whole host of different incidents and the impacts and consequences these would have on our local communities. But the public have large role to play too in order to help the response operation go smoothly and a large part of that is being prepared and knowing what to do in a situation.”

Chris continued: “We hope that by taking part in the #30Days30Ways campaign we can share a lot of useful information that people can learn from and act upon to help keep them and their families safe.”