15 Oct 2010
Gazetter Management Software and GIS will enhance and boost the working of fire and rescue services world over 

GGP Response is a powerful address based intelligence solution specifically designed to meet the needs of emergency service organisations.

Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service has procured award winning Gazetteer Management Software and Geographic Information System (GIS) from GGP Systems. Designed to provide easy access to centralised address data, integrate front and back office systems and deliver powerful geographic analysis, GGP Response will initially be used to facilitate the integration of the National Land and Property Gazetteer (NLPG) within the Service's mobilisation software.

Longer term plans, based around the use of GGP Response, include accessing the gazetteer data from Mobile Data Terminals on fire appliances and the integration of the NLPG to join up disparate departmental databases.

"It was important that the selected solution had a proven track record in the emergency services sector," commented Darryl Keen, Project Sponsor for Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service (FRS). "GGP Systems could demonstrate this credibility with reference sites giving positive recommendations. During the tender process GGP Response performed very well; it offered the functionality we required, and in some areas exceeded our requirements, required no special development work and was available off the shelf."

GGP Response will initially be used to help Buckinghamshire FRS integrate the NLPG within their mobilisation software from Fortek. The gazetteer management tools will also enable quality control and manipulation of the data with functionality specifically designed for users of the NLPG rather than local authority custodians. In the near future GGP Response will enable corporate wide access to the data, including use in the field, bringing together a wide range of departmental databases. The GIS functionality of GGP Response will further enhance Buckinghamshire's use of spatial data with advanced tools for integration, analysis and access.

Buckinghamsghire FRS will benefit from advanced Gazetter Management Software and GIS from GGP Systems

GGP Response is a powerful address based intelligence solution specifically designed to meet the needs of emergency service organisations. It provides centralised access to address data and allows organisations to access and maintain national datasets such as the NLPG and National Street Gazetteer (NSG). The gazetteer management software also provides the tools to integrate the data with web-based applications and other corporate or departmental systems as well as communicating with the national hub.

Also included within the GGP Response package selected by Buckinghamshire FRS is an OGC compliant GIS that provides tools for editing, plotting and maintaining the geographic locations of properties and streets. Software for adding cross references and batch processing of addresses, sync tools to ensure synchronisation between data held in different application databases and web enablers providing online access to address data and geographical information, all of which will improve the Service's ability to effectively manage and use address and geo-spatial data.

The most visible and powerful tool for internal staff at Buckinghamshire will be GGP eNGz, which gives a single point of access via the web to the Service's entire address dataset and associated address information from third-party systems. It also gives Buckinghamshire the ability to amend and update address information via the web, with changes instantly available to the entire Service. This will also facilitate the pooling of all data into a centralised location, which will dramatically reduce the time staff spends searching for information. Then, for each address, staff will be able to see a full range of associated information; from pre-determined attendance documents, to home fire safety checks, even if the property has a smoke alarm.