14 Jul 2020

In the BSI hosted webinar, recent Schemes launched by BAFE will be discussed, being BAFE SP206 (covering the Design, Installation, Commissioning, Recharge and Maintenance of kitchen fire protection/suppression systems) and BAFE’s latest Scheme made available, BAFE SP105 (covering the Service and Maintenance of Dry and Wet Riser/Falling Installations).

Chris Auger, Head of Schemes of BAFE, will also provide an update on work continuing throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and provide an explanation of scheme development. The BSI hosted webinar will also be joined by Richard Gurney, Certification Group Manager - BSI, who will provide useful insight on the route to achieving Third Party Certification and BAFE Registration.

Topics that will be covered:

  • BAFE
  • Update on assessments/work continuing in light of the current situation
  • Why schemes for specific services are being developed
  • Key elements assessed under both schemes and why it is important for the industry
  • Route to third party certification and registering with BAFE
  • The benefit to the user’s business of Kitemark certification including market access