8 Nov 2023

According to official government guidance, minor penalties for businesses that fail to follow fire safety regulations can cost up to £5,000.

If the fire safety measures are deemed inadequate, fire safety officers can take action. ‘Inadequacy’ can look like plenty of things; however, the presence and condition of fire safety equipment is one of the most important factors in this assessment.

Passive fire protection products

With that said, compare the cost of a fire regulations penalty with the average price of the products

With that being said, compared the cost of a fire regulations penalty with the average price of the products that could have prevented such a penalty from being served. Instead of spending £5,000 on a fire regulations fine, the business could have purchased the following amounts of passive fire protection products for the same sum:

  • 2906 individual intumescent strips
  • Closers for 219 fire doors
  • Drop-down seals for 541 fire doors
  • 1524 individual fire exit signs
  • 1111 air transfer grilles
  • 621 fire pillows
  • 859 fire pipe collars
  • Fire door ‘Keep Shut’ signs for 1543 doors

Invest in fire safety products

By these comparisons, it’s much more cost-effective to invest in fire safety products than to end up forking out thousands for regulations fines. 

Of course, few businesses need ‘Keep Shut’ signs for 1543 doors—and that’s the point in case. Spending just a fraction of the amount on the products that can help them stay compliant can save thousands in the long run. What’s more, the cost of making sure that buildings are fire-safe is always worth it when it comes to saving lives. For more expert fire safety guidance, keep up to date with the Fire Seals Direct advice center.