23 Oct 2023

Osborne, a UK-based construction company, turned to Blackline Safety for a solution when they recognized a gap in the connectivity of their employee safety program.

The challenge - A construction project employing Osborne people required their workers to spend extensive time inside the Gade Valley Viaduct near King’s Langley in the UK. Osborne realized that within this structure GPS, GSM, and company intranet signals were all inaccessible.

Supporting additional purchases

This created blind spots where employees could not be seen or reached. Any safety incident occurring inside the Viaduct would therefore be undetected and pose a considerable risk, with the potential to escalate, due to the lack of visibility and communication ability.

Additionally, workers entering the Viaduct were already carrying a significant amount of equipment with them, and Osborne’s budget would not support additional purchases.

No signal was getting through below the surface, to overcome this, we placed a signal repeater/booster within the structure which allowed us to project a signal throughout the Viaduct to ensure real-time visibility of all workers,” said Blackline Safety Europe Sales Manager.

Real-time precision

The Osborne team immediately noticed an enhanced ability to see their employees within the structure

Blackline solution - Comprehensive situational visibility regardless of obstacles Blackline Safety’s Location Beacons were deployed throughout the Viaduct on a trial basis. The Osborne team immediately noticed an enhanced ability to see their employees within the structure.

The beacons connected seamlessly with workers’ existing G7 device setup, creating a link between Osborne and their people, with the ability to find their location within 5 meters of accuracy. 

Osborne implements the G7 with Location Beacon system 

No longer was anyone unaccounted for: the Location Beacons ensured employees out of range of GPS, GSM, and company intranet were still visible with real-time precision on the Blackline Live portal.

With their confidence boosted from this successful trial, Osborne implemented the G7 with Location Beacon system across the site. The company had previously rented 4-gas detectors and they were able to easily swap these for the new devices, bypassing any budgetary concerns. 

Connected safety system

Results - With the integration of Blackline Safety’s technology into their connected safety system, Osborne ensured no employee was unaccounted for - no matter how remote or unreachable their location. Location Beacons guaranteed unblocked visibility into every section of the worksite, giving both workers and management the confidence that the job could get done safely. 

Despite the absence of traditional forms of connectivity inside the Viaduct, Osborne was still able to obtain real-time data points with accuracy down to 5 meters - Blackline Safety’s comprehensive solution also ensured all of Osborne’s monitoring needs were met without surpassing their budget. Introducing this all-inclusive connected safety system provided Osborne with the peace of mind that every worker was accounted for - on any type of job site.